Junghwan Sung

Artist, Seoul, 1972


3차원 공간에서의 큐빅은 미완성된 가장 기초적인 입방체다. 가상공간 안의 인물의 얼굴은 완벽하지 않은 큐빅의 집합으로 아직 미완성되어 있으며 완만한 곡선을 갖추지 못해 투박하며 거칠지만 그는 자신의 얼굴이 부끄럽지 않다. 그러나 관객의 응시는 자신의 장애를 인지시키고, 자신의 몸을 타자화하여 자아를 스스로 無化시킨다. 화면의 얼굴은 부서지고 파편화 되어 그의 얼굴은 사라진다. 그를 향한 관객의 응시가 사라지면 그는 다시 자신의 모습을 찾지만 이미 그의 얼굴은 타자화 된 남의 얼굴이다.

His face is an aggregation of cubes, which is not perfect shape in three dimensional space since cube is not smooth,  but crude and rough, just like pixels without anti-aliasing. However, he in the art work doesn’t notice his disability until viewers gaze at his face. He ends up sensing his imperfection by people’s attention and fragments his face into small pieces. His face shows up after audience move to other works, but it is not his own face anymore. Instead, it becomes belonging to other people surrounding him.



Born in 1972



2010    Ph.D Candidate in Graduate school of advanced imaging Science, Multimedia and film, Chung-Ang University

2005    Pratt Institute, Computer Graphics and Interactive Media, M.F.A , Seoul, Korea

2003    Hanyang University, Business Major, B.F.A, Seoul, Korea



Solo Exhibition

2010.7  In-Between Emptiness and Emptiness, Gallery Grimson, Seoul, Korea

2007.8  Eye & I : Libido, Kyo Gallery, Tokyo, Japan

2007.8  In Manhattan : The Face, Art&Dream Gallery, Seoul, Korea


Group Exhibition

2010   JMMAF(Japan Media Art Festival), Tokyo, Japan

2010   Trick Art, Kintex, Seoul, Korea

2009   INDAF, Incheon, Korea

2009   SIGGRAPH2009, Art Gallery, New Orleans, U.S.A

2009   HANNOVER MESSE, Hannover, Germany

2009   The Hermeneutical Circulation Between Old and New Media, Youngen Gallery, Kwangju, Korea

2008  10th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on

2008  Wetlands, Changwon, Korea

2008  Incheon International Airport, Korea Cultural Museum, Incheon, Korea

2008  Hi Seoul Festival 2008, Seoul, Korea

2008  The colors of culture: The National Folk Museum of Korea, Seoul, Korea

2008  Tokyo Crossing, Media and Ecology2, Tokyo, Japan

2008  Media Nomadism 2007_Movement within Stillness, 연변, China

2007  Sound of Ancient Korea : The National Folk Museum of Korea, Seoul, Korea

2007  Asia Society of Basic Design and Art, Tsukuba, Japan

2007  Brookly Express, Buffering, Seoul Museum of Art, Korea