These works expressed root plants, one of natural products in the dynamic and organic form and used crochet technique with a metal wire. Root plants mean the plant growing by storing nutrients in roots and the root is an organ sucking up moisture and nutrients from the soil. Free forms of root plants continuously growing and reacting in the ground are formatively attractive.
Because of the mesh structure, the inner shape of ornaments made by the crochet technique can be seen freely and shadows coming by transmitted light a variety of interesting images. Crochet technique knitted with a metal wire has an organized pattern by hands not by a machine. Crochet forms change variously with generation of fineness and looseness depending on the number of winding on the needle. While knitting, the form can be freely changed and three-dimensional form as well as planar structure can be made.
2013 국민대학교 일반대학원 금속공예학과 졸업
2011 노바스코샤 미술대학교 금속공예학과 교환학생 수료, 캐나다
2015 제7회 ART ROAD 77 아트페어 ‘여성을 위한 수작’, 리오갤러리, 헤이리
2015 아름지기 바자회, 호림미술관, 청담
2015 ‘제주도 바다로부터’ 제주도 좋아 주최, 아원갤러리, 서울
2015 Talente 2015- International Handwerksmesse, 뭔헨, 독일
2014 공예트렌드페어 창작공방관, 코엑스, 서울
2014 디자인하우스 시즌기획 삽자가전 ‘Designers Christmas’, DDP동대문디자인프라자